Problem was, what happened in the years afterwards! Was it the Crow, or the Leslie? Methinks now, it was CLM. Back then, I thought Crowton was the worst. He deteriorated Oregon in a few years, and that was the path we were on. Now, I wonder if it was CLM all along?
He not a Jr., Jim L and Jim E is the Dad. Oh, Jim L's daughter is a freshman at USC. Talk about underpaid, $1.93M
Well, the younger Jim Mora. Clearly a good guy and good coach. Has lived in L.A. and LA, so he knows the difference.
Best play of the game was the unbalanced line to the left and sneaking Dickson up the seam for an easy pitch and catch TD from Flynn. Our offense is sorely missing that type of creativity. I still don't think Crowton was the answer, but dude could definitely call one up from time to time.