Shit if I know, I think it is shit. Probably THE main reason that Boone has a major case of the red ass with him.
If I can read between the lines I am going to assume you are making reference to Leslie's record against the short man in comparison. Yeah, okay good one. I am off the Gundy to replace Miles thing. That was short lived. Quick story for you and your coaching buddies, not sure if your little circle picked up on this or not. Gundy has been through an impressive list of OC's during his tenure. A few of them are now doing quite well as HC's. Well for this latest hire he had people, good coaches that applied for the job. This dick gets on google and types in best DII college offense. Guess who got a 350k raise? Freaking google. Cat didn't even apply for the job!!! I don't know what was behind that besides 1. Gundy having a massive ego (fits well with a head coach) and/or him just greasing the rails for his exit. The new OC isn't working out so well as of yet, not sure if that is because of the turnover 31 kids that played in the cotton bowl last year gone, or injury, or both plus a little of something else. I can tell you this, they made a HUGE mistake by running off Wes Lunt.
Les is so stupid you could give him Tom Brady and he would screw the offense up. CLM is not going to turn the offense over to Cameron. CLM knows nothing about offense or defense. He lets Chief run the defense so that is the only thing good about this team. He THINKS he knows offense so he continues to influence that. and we see where our offense is going. NOWHERE.