Has LSU been recruiting this kid? One of the Longhorn forums has a thread going that the in-home with Mack Brown (I think scheduled for the 28th) didn't happen. They don't have a lot of info so they don't know if maybe Rouse decided on FSU, or if TU just quit recruiting him. Maybe one of our TU lurkers can fill us in. Sorry I don't have any thing more specific. The only link I have is to the thread. http://forums.hornfans.com/php/wwwthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=recruiting&Number=3104273&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&fpart=1&vc=1
I think I have my answer. The Palm Beach Post is saying that he is visiting FUS this weekend and that he still lists FSU, Miami, and Texas as his favs.
Rouse was going to visit LSU with Bennett and Perriloux but cancelled in favor of Texas, but I think he will be a Seminole unless Bennett and Perriloux choose Texas, then he may be a longhorn.