They are completely in charge of the UK. You can't get anywhere there without being a Mason. The British empire ran the world for a long time....the Masonic influence on the world around you is massive.
When it comes to sexual abuse of minors there should be no tolerance at all for the molester or the one who covers for him. If a person knows someone is or has molested a child and doesn't report that person to the cops he is just as guility IMO. Any molestation of a pre puberty child should be life without parole and rape of a pre puberty child should be death. If you hide the guility like was done with priest, you do life also. I am catholic and I am extremely ashamed of what has happened. Someone close to me was molosted when young by a step father. It has haunted their life since. It was only one time but it has damanged them none the less. If someone could actually rape a young child they do not deserve to go to jail. Death is the only thing that could cure them. Once someone does this to a child they will do it again. I watch who my little boy is around like a hawk and talk to him about these things. There would be no place on earth that someone could hide if they did this to my child. No amount of money can erase what happens to someone that is abused. The church is at sin in hiding priest who have done this to these kids. All who knew anything about the abuse and didn't report it to the cops should spend their entire life in prison at the very least.
That is not what he has said. He has said calling the issues that plagued the church issues rooted in pedophilia is not accurate, and he is right. Most of the cases of abuse were cases of hebephilia or ephebophilia. In the case of the hebephilia (aattraction to early pubescent children) is both sick and criminal. In the case of ephebophilia it is criminal, but normal. I mean which one of us can say they never saw a smoking hot girl only to find out she was 16 or 17.
You have to consider two things that are often ignored. Most of these cases of abuse occured in the 1950s and 1960s and tapered off in the 1970s. During this time the prevailing secular psychology was that sexual abusers could be cured with counseling. The second thing is, and the John Jay report confirms this, is that the overwhelming majority of the cases were not reported until many years after the abusive priest was dead or no longer in ministry.
No one just reports the news anymore, they try to create it. I'm beginning to think that there isn't an honest journalist or news organization left in the U.S. Anyone that feeds off the sensationalized BS that CNN, MSNBC, Fox and others spew out is truly delusional. It's sad that many out there still believe that they report the news as it happens without a hard twist in the direction they want to spin it. Also anyone that continually points out the faults of one of those news organizations while turning a blind eye to the spin of the side that they prefer is a moron. They all suck! They all spin and they all flat out lie! If you watch any of the major news channels without a HUGE BS filter all your doing is filling your head with BS.
They may be big and long-lived but ritualistic secret brotherhoods are still kooky. I mean . . . Robes, incense, beads and rattles, chanting of incantations, secret handshakes, mysteries, exorcisms, lots and lots of gold things.
Dude, the public doesn't use those terms. The general notion of pedophilia is sex with any child. That would be lechery and fantasy and are not in question. Sex with a child is the topic and you seem to think it is normal. That's creepy, chief. I may think that a 14-year-old is hot, but if I have sex with her, I know I'm going to jail, because I know that it is NOT normal.
Do you not think that the second thing accounts for the first thing? It takes many years for children to get to the point where they can deal with the issue. And there are indeed reports of abuses still coming in. The John Jay report makes the following conclusions regarding contributors to the sexual abuse problem and I think they are credible: 1. Failure by the hierarchy to grasp the seriousness of the problem. 2. Overemphasis on the need to avoid a scandal. 3. Use of unqualified treatment centers. 4. Misguided willingness to forgive. 5. Insufficient accountability.