Dude Guice and LF7 in the backfield presents so many damn options. If only our QB could throw the ball for 5 yards.
Reason 5984 that miles shouldn't be here any more. Freaking has a monster running back (actually two b/c guice might be even better than LF7) and manages to screw up a Heisman trophy winner b/c of bone headed play calling. Maddening.
If Miles had given LF7 46 carries gainst Auburn, wonder how fans would react. Have a strong feeling the words, conservative, stubborn & antique offense would be used. Saban does it & it's genius. Will Bama's OL be getting a share of the Heisman? Gary Danielson announced at the end of LSU/Bama game the change in Heisman favorites had changed, matter of factly. Anyone else think that seemed odd?
I think Saban's an asshole for doing that. It's one thing to call 46 running plays, it's totally different for the same guy carrying it all 46 times.
That is an interesting point, however, Saban did empower his QB to throw in some big spots in close games: see TN and Ark games. Plus, past history. If you don't trust your QB to throw, then he shouldn't be your QB....period.
I don't agree. Miles has NEVER let 1 tailback carry the ball that many times. And LSU throws the ball they just don't complete them. I would call anyone out who has their tailback run the ball 46 times in a game, that's like a pitcher throwing 150 pitches in 1 game.