Good. While you’re at it, clean house and get new mods. If nothing else, replace shane. His wife would be my suggested replacement.
It's late, but I just checked some stuff on the server and we are getting a few errors so I will probably go ahead and do the upgrade tomorrow night so that we don't abruptly go away again. HOWEVER, if we disappear before I get to this tomorrow evening, know that it is very temporary and we will be back up very quickly (hours, not days) and will be very stable when it comes back. I know exactly what the problem is now and know exactly how to fix it. We are here for the long haul.
Several people found themselves regrouping on Greg’s site. Glad there was a place to wash up on. He deserves credit for keep that going.
Just glad everyone seems to realize the lights are back on and are coming back home. We will be able to invite new people, if all goes well, in a couple of days.