It's Nick Saban, the greatest college defensive coach of our lifetime. He knew all we were ever going to do was run and try playaction. It's a lot easier to cover 2 and 3 receivers even when you load the box rather than 4 and 5 receivers. Clemson had success because they spread Alabama out. They threw the ball to set up the run. We tried to run to set up playaction. Doesn't work against them. He knew it.
Elmer will show up in 2018 somewhere in MAC. Maybe even win a Midas Bowl or whatever they play up in Detroit like on December 14. He's gone. Let's move on.
That was a perfect storm, tiga. He's "released" from UGA and his alma mater happens to be looking for a head coach at the same time. That said, Richt did claim to have been contacted "by five schools." He's always been given to a little hyperbole so make of that what you will. @shane0911 BTW, Richt's coach in college?
This would only be a guess and I'm using another recent convo to put 2 and 2 together and assume it was one Howard "Pass the Bourbon" Shcnellenberger? Did I win?
Vinnie was a few yeas after Richt if I recall correctly. It seems like he was recruited by HS then played under Jimmy Johnson. I'd have to look to be sure.