I love the big swagoo. But rather than knocking LSU, he needs to dedicate a speech directed at in State HS school talent telling them to come help make LSU great again. If we thought losing recruits was bad already, how can it get better if former alum are calling us mediocre (which we are) and making it seem like it is just what it is and we all just have to accept it. F that! Don't call out and be part of the problem, be part of the solution. He basically just confirmed to recruits, LSU is a middle of the road team, if you want to compete for championships don't come here. NO, we NEED them to come here to help get us back! Come on Spears!
Sometimes the truth hurts. And the kids being recruited understand what he is saying without him opening his mouth.
It's his job to tell the truth as he sees it. I'm sure that he would rather that LSU still be the dominant program it was when he played here.
Its not the entire truth though. All he did was look at our record like people look at a box score. We keep putting pros in the NFL. We are Elite at producing NFL talent for whatever reason.
I'm sure he follows the program a lot closer than most fans. Plus he surely has sources for inside info we don't have access to.
Do they though? I'm just saying, help build us back up. Don't give recruits more reason to go play for the midget.
I agree it's his job and I'm not disagreeing with what he said. But he can wrap it up with some positives is all I'm saying. It can go both ways. Tell it like it is, then send a message to these recruits that they're needed and should come be a part of something special. Stay home and help LSU get back to where we once were. Don't keep it one sided that we now suck and that's that.
Better yet, why don't we send Jenkins back into retirement and hire Spears to come recruit and coach the D-Line?