Which page to find NO creation of government run insurance? :insane: Where have you been, the government option was deleted months ago? What are you talking about?
someone is gonna have to become the insurance of last resort. That someone will have massive oversight by the government. We are gonna end up with Fanny Mae for insurance.
The bill does not spell out every detail of implementation and it does not spell out unintended consequences. That's a huge part of the problem.
Dude, they don't make pages to describe what's not in the law. They simply remove it from the bill, so it's gone :hihi: I can't believe that FOXnews didn't cover it. But I guess that would have shown that Obama made major concessions. AP: Public Option Nixed from Health Bill !
That's rich. I can pull 5 quotes from you asking "Show me where it is in the bill". Are you daft Man?