I hope they put Giddens at safety. I'd love to see him come down in run support or crack down on a receiver coming across the middle. :shock:
ive heard he put on a lot of weight to play outside lb. i would like to see him play safety if he can cover alright. I wouldn't mind though having a lb with that kinda speed. Hopefully he can turn out to be a derrick johnson type of lb with that speed. Thats a lot to live up to but if he can put on the size and keep his speed then its entirely possible if he works hard.
My concern is that he wants to run track as well. Since he's a sprinter, I worry how the added weight needed to play OLB (probably between 215-225) will affect his sprinting??
yea thats a good concern. Im not sure but i know a couple people have said that he has already put on about 10 lbs. Not sure how this will effect him with track. hopefully somebody close to him can talk to him and give a report on how things are coming and what his plans are.