One cannot beat football season, but I like college baseball too. I coached little league for a number of years back when Skip was in his glory years in the 90s. The level of little league play here in Baton Rouge was sky high which I credit to the success of LSU. BR had teams in the nation playoffs almost every year.
That's not too hard since this past football season was the least enjoyable since '04. Maybe it's a trend following a NC.
i understand some people don't have the mental capacity or patience to understand baseball... but why bash basketball? welcome to TF though!
not at all... i listed two reasons there... "mental capacity" and "patience," i left it open to be decided upon yourself. good choice though :grin: i'm kidding, i understand some people dislike baseball... it's too slow for most people, and it doesn't have the action that football has. however, i HATE HATE HATE all of the timeouts, commercials, etc in football. baseball may be slow, but there are fewer breaks in the action.
With the slower paced game, there are a lot of strategies that come into play with baseball. I didn't play the sport but I did coach my son. I learned a whole lot and that makes it much more interesting to watch. Of course, I played football, so that's a lot of fun, too.