Cant really say baseball fans and football fans are totally different crowds as Id bet 95% of LSU football fans (that attend the games regularly) are regulars at LSU football games as well. Its just a totally different environment.
If LSU had a team that played organized jacks I would be a fan. I don't get it??? If it's purple and gold...count me in!!:thumb:
this is just one of the many reasons god hates you, rex. god loves baseball. its like the 11th commandment that was dropped in history of the world pt. 1.
aluminum bats = ping baseball is something to watch to pass time while we're waiting for football season to start back.
I am completely with sonny on this one. Just about anything that stands for LSU, im captivated by. I live and breath LSU in anything i do. I have been to at least one game at all but one or two of the sports at LSU. I'm even thinking of walking onto the baseball team next year. Not anticipating making it, just to be around the team, and for the fun. Psh, i was going to Baseball games by myself the first half this season because the baseball team "wasn't good", so no one else wanted to go.
Well, your winter lasts for 7 months so I can see where baseball might not be your favorite sport. All northern teams suck, too, so that might explain it as well.
Yeah, me too, I am a LSU fan period, doesn't really matter what sport they are playing. I am just a fan. :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige