Cruise is a Scientology wacko but I still liked Top Gun. If you don't watch a movie or listen to music because the actor or musician is crazy or too liberal or something you would never be able to enjoy movies and music
Ever watch that special on Scientology? I think it was on's a seriously fucked up money grubbing pyramid he is receiving their highest honor "medal of freedom award" or something like that, he's seriously next level weird. I assure you the mama's of some of those recruits know. If you have 5 minutes of your life to waste, watch this.,v:v&fr=ipad&tt=b
Yeah it's called Going Clear I referenced it in the earlier post about the recruits watching Going Clear or Mission Impossible.
The only good film he ever did was Rain Man. His character was a self-absorbed asshole and he played it authentically.
You are one tough crowd all by yourself! "Risky Business" was good as well as "All the Right Moves". He had a small part in "The Outsiders" and was good. I also thought "Edge of Tomorrow" wasn't bad. Dude is a wacko, but he can at least act.
I liked Edge of Tomorrow too. It was like a sci fi ground hog day. I thought he was good in Tropic Thunder too.
Top Gun was good not so much because of his acting but for the flying scenes. Would have been good with any number of actors in the lead role.
That is the biggest homo erotic movie of all time, from volleyball to the LT talking about wanting some butts, to Val Kilmer trying to nibble on Tom Cruise.
I agree here totally. I don't think inviting what amounts to a cult leader to the AD's box is sending a good message. To hell with being an actor, the dude is a cultist.