I think the problem is the way they're using Fournette. I'm ok with them using Fournette on vertical running plays to spell Guice, but he should not be used without a head of steam upfield. They need to go back to the method used on the first drive. After we put another score on the board, then open up the passing game a little. Keep the deep ball in the playbook.
You have to structure your O around the talents of the players you have. Until we recruit a NFL type QB, what you see is what we got. It's not going to change overnight.
LSU has to start working the middle of the field in the passing game. It's not the corners who are hurt its the guys who would have been covering the tight ends and tailbacks.
So we ALMOST completed ONE pass downfield in the first half with the D stacking the box? You're right, the passing game is clicking
I don't know that. I don't know anything. There are a bunch of question marks that no one really knows the answer to.
well frankly, until Guice dropped the ball, we were rolling. I expect we will win and Etling is more on today that he has been in a while. We are limited in a number of factors. Zero are because of coach Oeaux IMO.