If you own a gun, you should at least be proficient with it. How do you miss a pregnant woman in a 700 Sq ft apartment.
Any "man" who feels a need to point a gun at a woman in the first place...slap da bitch. That's for Bengal.
Takes a different set of nuts to aim and follow through. Stupid is what he was for picking it up to begin with.
If he's dumb enough to point it at her and pull the trigger, he's dumb enough to follow through. My guess is if he wasn't a gayterd football player or if it didn't happen in gaysville he would be charged with attempted first degree murder. But you believe he intended to miss if you want to.
He was probably holding the fucking gun sideways like MC Eiht in Menace To Society and missed because he is a dumb ass thug.
Dumb has less than half to do with following through, balls is everything else. He had the balls to pick It up and make some noise, but he ran outta balls when double murder crossed his mind. He might have been raised around thugs, but he aint a thug, he is a bitch for trying to man up over a pregnant woman with a gun. Now, if you've shot a pregnant woman cause you was dumb enough to pick it up, I'm all ears.