if $200 makes me a democrat, so be it. I was pissed at the time. I applied for a low interest loan. meaning I was going to pay back all of it plus interest. I didn't qualify because I did not get water inside the house. meanwhile the guys across street from me got his house lifted, nice porch built around it and full slab poured under it. all for free because he got about 2" inside the home. FEMA guy told me point blank that the money would have been GIVEN to me had I got water inside. but I didn't so I wasn't eligible for even a loan. would have cost me around $30k plus interest to lift it through the FEMA program. doing it on my own through a bank would cost over $80k. with my house raised I could potentially recoup that $30k if I ever sell it. I'll never recoup anywhere close to that $80k though. so yeah I took the $200 from them.
I know quite a few people in Morgan City who went and lined up for those checks, even though we had no damage from either storm. A couple of them tried to make me feel stupid for not going with them, but I said,"some people need that. I'm not one of them." No one will ever make me regret doing the right thing.
My own mother who must be part jew signed up for that in my name without asking me. I think she cashed it. I was livid.
I haven't read every post in this thread, so If it's already been posted I apologize in advance, but I was reading an article today that said nearly 7 trillion gallons of water fell on Louisiana the week of the flood. That's insane! https://www.good.is/articles/louisiana-record-flooding