Try competitive gymnastics. Nearly $300 a month. Meets (9 of 'em) average $75 entry fee. Most require at least an overnight stay. We've been to St Louis, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Mobile. We will be in AllBarn AL for Mardi Gras weekend (no Endymion ride for me this year). We've driven to all but St Louis (Thanks to Southwest Airlines for Wanna Get Away fares). Add rental car to hotel. And the damn arch was closed. Insult to injury.
So I heard from a friend yesterday that FEMA estimated their payment to him at $32,000 for flood repair. He doesn't have flood insurance. Why should anyone have flood insurance if FEMA is just gonna pay the bill? 32K is about what his place was worth.
First of all, MANY of these homes are NOT in a flood zone;therefore, no flood insurance. That aside, 33K is the max that's being paid out so for the guy with the 200K home, he's shit out of luck, that's why. We're not even talking about contents, that's just dwelling. Did your friend have an empty house?
Kyle, just as one example. I read that the Mayor of Central, La. sent out letters, two months ago, stating that resident were no longer in a flood zone and could contact their flood insurance companies about dropping it.
Anyone in south Louisiana who does not have flood insurance is begging for bad things to happen to them. If you are not in a flood plain, flood insurance is ridiculously cheap. As to the friend, he lives in a small little house out in the country. I have several friends who flooded in March and did have flood insurance. Unfortunately their flood insurance did not cover contents.