If he would have hit him lower not so close to the head I dont believe he would have been ejected. In a split second of a ref the hit was way tooooo high
He didn't lead with the crown of his helmet, and his forearms were out . . . but he did target the player high and the crack of helmet to helmet contact is clearly heard with the head of the returner clearly snapped back. Good call.
They can't. Rule 9-1-4 No player shall target and initiate contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with the helmet, forearm, fist, elbow, or shoulder. When in question, it is a foul.
I dont mean the foul part. I mean with regards to player ejection. I know you can list a number of plays that result in a flag, but are not ejection worthy, but are also iffy. Thats my fear.
They are bound by the specified penalty for breaking rule 9-1-4. PENALTY—15 yards. For dead-ball fouls, 15 yards from the succeeding spot. Automatic first down for fouls by Team B if not in conflict with other rules. For fouls in the first half: Disqualification for the remainder of the game. For fouls in the second half: Disqualification for the remainder of the game and the first half of the next game. If the foul occurs in the second half of the last game of the season, players with remaining eligibility shall serve the suspension during the first game of the following season. The disqualification is subject to review by Instant Replay.
Red stop being dense. You know as well as I that sometimes it isn't intentional to have a helmet/helmet hit. Or even shoulder to head for that matter. Jesus Christ.
I quoted the goddamn rule, chief. Who is being dense? There is nothing in the rule about it being "intentional" or not. How in the world can any referee know that? Any player who hits a returner, a kicker, or a quarterback above the neck this year is going to be disqualified. Period. Better start getting used to it.
Then I guess you watched zero football games last night. Helmet to helmet hits happened in all of them...... It is a subjective rule and you know it.