here comes a great joke: flags dont care if they are in the rain or not. we shouldnt give inanimate ojects human characteristics or emotions, they hate that.
so which is important, the flag itself, the physical piece of cloth, or the freedom it represents? we agree that you can demonstrate one by destroying the other. i dont understand why the actual literal flag itself has any value. when you leave it out in a storm, you arent storming rain on freedom. in fact it probably gives it a nice washing. freedom could use a washing.
You can't prove that. Truth of the matter is, it's the nation's flag. You should be able to sport in when you want and where you want.
i am not sure what you mean. it was a joke. i was claiming the flag hated having emotions, which it isnt capable of having, yunno..get it, because hate is an emotion.. well i thought it was funny.
It really hurts my feelings that you think I'm retarded. There's no emoticon in the world that coulda made that funnier.
my bad, dude. thats true, emoticons make things less funny 100% of the time. my joke could never be improved by them. also i should note that no human that is male or over the age of 14 should use emoticons, under any circumstances. :wave: