Five year study: Fox lies to its viewers, makes them have radical rightwing views

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    So predictable. You're incapable of seeing the irony because you're so close minded. I get that your intellectually handicapped, so I'll tread lightly. But until you come to the realization that the media is used for manipulation, no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, then you'll continue to live in your narrow world of libtard misery.

    So be it. I couldn't care less.
    shane0911 likes this.
  2. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Is that why you're so obsessed with me?

    You're a true moron. Only a moron would believe that all networks are created and operated equally. CNN is legitimate news. Fox is not. If CNN appears to be anti-trump to you it's because THE ENTIRE WORLD, outside of trump's cult members such as yourself and some Muscovites, recognizes that donald trump is a criminal piece of shit.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    How do you know where I get news? I do t link any of those. Do you watch those? What is their nightly lineup like? Do you have time in-between you watching Tucker?
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Maybe Rex likes watching CNN for the gay dudes. Maybe they are relatable to him.
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    fanatic likes this.
  6. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Never watch CNN if for no other reason the women are butt fucking ugly racist manly looking skanks and the guys are feminine looking racist gays but I will admit the guys are much prettier than the manly looking butt fucking ugly racist skanks there. Fox has changed since Murdoch's kids took over but at least the babes are feminine and beautiful and not racist, they give me a woody. The guys there are at least heterosexual men and non racist.

    With that said I don't watch FOX as much as I used to but I can at least identify with the girls and guys at FOX. However I understand why you watch and identify with CNN. But hey not knocking you for getting a woody over the prettier gender at CNN, what happens in your bedroom while watching the prettier guys at CNN is your business. Hell I might consider becoming gay if all I had to look at were manly looking butt fucking ugly racist skanks and feminine looking racist gays (although the feminine looking racist gays there are much prettier than the manly looking butt fucking ugly racists skanks there) for my news.

    BTW how's the planet doing today? Heating up? Cooling down? Drying up? Flooding? How much did the climate change today? How long do we have before the people who don't like watching butt fucking ugly racist manly looking skanks and dont like watching guys that are feminine looking racist gays at CNN destroy the planet? That eminent "scientist" AOC says 12 years well 11 years since she predicted that a year ago. That eminent "scientist" Al Gore says we should all be dead by now. That eminent "scientist" Greta says "how dare you". That eminent "scientist" Ted Turner said 30 years ago we would be eating each other to survive the climate apocalypse. In 1968 your eminent "scientist" said we would be hiding in caves from saber tooth tigers because we were going back to an ice age. BTW Ray Ramona would have been a mastadon and Dennis Leary would have been a saber tooth tiger if your "scientist" were correct. BTW were they correct?

    Well professor how long do we have?
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    CNN lost me when they made a big deal when they were caught lying about that fear factor host and then doubled down on it.

    You basically said “my propaganda is better than your propaganda”. Grow up
    fanatic, shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  8. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Your diseased brain is creating this fantasy. It's not reality.

    Which sexual deviant is your favorite? Jeffrey Toobin? Maybe its Chris Cuomo. John Griffin?

    Yeah, they're the epitome of credibility.
  9. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Because of your mental handicap, I can see why it was so easy for CNN to brainwash you into believing this.

    Additionally, I didn't say 'all networks are created and operated equally'. I said CNN and Fox were. Both spew propaganda designed to manipulate the viewer into a certain viewpoint. The difference is, CNN is slanted to the libtard point of view and Fox is slanted to the right point of view. The other difference is that CNN is run by and employs perverts.

    If you don't realize this by now, then there's no hope for you. Not that there ever was.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
  10. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Don't know what you're talking about. No network is perfect, and some individual hosts have individual opinions. But I'll tell you this: CNN is a legitimate news network, Fox is not. How many former Fox hosts who have said they've left because of that does it take?

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