well their are men who have checked out too. But men and women are built different . It isn't a knock on women just a fact of the birds and the bees. They weren't created to be the same. I think at some point they will create a seal team training separate from the men with different standards and integrate them into men teams.
They would not be SEALs My favorite line from @LaSalleAve you can pour syrup on dogshit but that doesn't make them pancakes
Because we live in a diversity world now. Eventually it will be just like the private sector. The seals will need a transgender bathroom on the plane when they go to battle.
I have a friend who was an instructor at the Prep School in Illinois. From the things he's told me, I couldn't have made it through that and it's really a pre BUDs screening.
When I was going to LSU one day there was a state police drunk van in front of the student union. They would test your reaction time and then give you a cold Budweiser. Then they would test your reaction time again. Mine kept getting better after each beer, They cut me off at 4.