Though I've never cared enough to look up why, she was supposedly considered for NFL commish before Goodell landed gig. I assume it wasn't for her looks.
She has said she would like to be NFL commish, but I don't think she has ever even been jokingly considered.
My opinion on her being on the committee shouldn't be taken as a slight, I like a lot of things about her. I just think that in order to be PC, the powers that be put her in one of the few areas where she is not qualified to be in a position of power.
She's smart and she's a sports fan. What more do you want? And I wouldn't call being one of twelve a position of power.
I don't see anything wrong with being a principal or a guidance counsellor. She just strikes me as one of those types.
Well if that's the qualification there are thousands of people qualified for that job that aren't affiliated with the state of Alabama. Which is why in my opinion they aren't on this original top 4 list. Would have been too obvious.
Only if you take a few bong rips before voting to make you more subjective, that's what I would have to do anyway.