It was time for Miles to go. However, Alleva should've gone first. That is a good part of the problem we currently have, and it may take a while and some painful years to fix. Regardless, I just got roped into working at the Planoette Mum Factory this Saturday, so I'll likely be watching a recording of the game again. For you non-Texans, you must Google "Texas homecoming mums" to see what I will be working on Saturday...and every Saturday until homecoming in November. (I'd rather be buying pointe shoes again...)
Not sure if I heard this right today but Finebaum said Saban doesn't have a buyout. He was criticizing Alleva for giving O a 12 mil buyout when possibly the most successful college coach doesn't have one. It was his basis for why Alleva should be fired. Did anyone else catch that? I mean we all know how stupid Joe is but it is eye opening when everyone else sees it too!
ain't made it that far down Lafourche in a while, but yeah. last i heard it isn't as bad now. Speed Limit signs is more prominent and it's obvious where it drops. but they still nail you for 2 over.
This hire was definitely misinformed. I really want to give this coach a chance, despite any of my misgivings though. I actually had a conversation with some Syracuse fans that I ran into over the summer. I told them of my hesitance to expect very much from this hire. The Syracuse fans didn't seem to share my sentiments in this hire being quite suspect. I really hate seeing the way this team has performed each week. I'm going to try some blind optimism though, and hope the team will steadily improves.
Was he taking taking care of family issues while away or at a Fat Farm to lose weight? The guy looks like Al Roker.
The venom in here is misdirected. This program has been shit since the 21-0 Superdome enema. If you didn’t see the program transforming into manure since ‘12 you need a seeing eye dog. Is O the man to turn it around? I’m not sure, but five games in with mediocrity at Qb, crap at o line and receiver, another star running back on some kind of half assed sabbatical ( dollars to donuts he’s hired an agent) and a defense with no depth that may have overachieved the previous season would make any coach struggle. My gameplan : I’m going to be critical, but I’m going to be logically patient and convince myself the shit sandwich we eat the next two seasons is only some bad boudin and wait for 2019. If O can’t mount 9-3 in 2019, we fire him.