The Hindenburg--Because Ole Miss is full of hot air and is best known for being a disaster. Catfish--In honor of the Mississippi River, and because Ole Miss is a bottom feeder. Moses--Because they've been lost in the wilderness for 40 years. Larry Craig--He needs a job and is perfectly suited to lead a cheer like Hotty Toddy. Bear Bryant--He and the Ole Miss program have both been dead for a long time. Beck--Ole Miss is a loser and LSU's gonna kill them.
I hear that there's a new pickup called the Ole Miss Model. It has no steering wheel and no front seat: Because Ole Miss has lost its butt and doesn't know which way to turn.....ldskule:
OK, hear goes but I hope I don't get booed right out of Tigerforums for this! I heard the new mascot will be an old woman. Think about this for a moment, its a perfect marriage, I mean fit! Ole Miss "insert last name here" One more thing, their athletic programs are about as dangerous as an old lady also!:lol: I must be :insane: to come up with some of the crap I do!:huh:
Bigfoot-- There are rare sightings of their program here and there but in the end we all know it's nonexistent:hihi: