Hopefully we land Rasco, but what about our other remaining slots? Where to they go? Surely we are not going to keep our offer to Jeremy Hill...I don't think any of us want that dirt bag on our team. Who might his slot be offered to? ANNNNNY chance we land Clowney?
All my eggs are in the Jernigan basket and Fleming seems to be in this class as well, greyshirt or not. Edit: 0.009 chance at Clowney:cry:
Hill is probably a conditional offer depending on his legal issues. Fleming will be a GS most likely. Jernigan and Rasco are really all we're in on at this point.
My question is seeing that hill has been expelled from school he will not graduate on time at the least. So, does he even sign in this class?
I'm pretty sure he can test out or take summer classes, but I doubt he's in this class. He's probably a grayshirt to give the courts time to come to a decision.
As of now we have only one scholarship spot left if you count Hill out. Which likely goes to Rasco. Then we have room for up to 3 greyshirts but I see at the most 2 but could go to 3 if Jernigan commits. We would have to offer one of the committed guys a greyshirt in that case. Hill is either a greyshirt for now or JUCO. Who knows...
Pretty sure Hill can take LSU correspondence courses if his parents pay for it. Each course is a half credit and goes towards the GPA. He can make up whatever he needs there and do summer school if need be I believe.