What an embarrassment this President has turned out to be. Our world standing is below what is was during the last year of the Carter administration. That's saying something.
All Obama wanted was to take his kds to Cuba while it was free and so they'd be the only black kids on the block who could say they'd been. He's really weak. Saddest thing is that I don't think he sees it and he believes his lies that he's been effective. He's a sheep. They musta whipped his weak ass in the hood in his younger days.
Obama just figured he could make a little trip over there, legalize immigration so he could bring back another 11 million democratic voters on Air Force Juan.....
That's nice. Now he needs to make a couple of trips like that to Africa. Hell offer round trips to those so unhappy with America who may want to visit the motherland.
of course putin may have advised fidel to say something, hell, he may have had the speech written for him and i say this as no fan of obama
I think it's an ego trip for him at this point. In fact I think the entire 2nd term has been an ego trip and basically his mantra is "let me see how I can piss off Republicans".
Caitlyn Jenner has more balls than Obama. After 8 years of Barrackmed, the French are calling us pussies. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like George Washington. What a humiliating time to be an American!
Something the American people should have done four years ago. If only the Republican party wasn't the party of stupid.