This is getting out of hand. Do a search on this and it's coo coo how many hot teachers are sleeping with students. Without elaborating, I can't see it being physically pleasing to a woman. This one in Oklahoma. Hope it's not one of shane's boys.
May as well make it like a hinnie thread. Find a hot teacher who sleeps with students and post. Centertown Elementary School in McMinnville, Tennessee.
Last one for now. Had to get one out-of-conference. This one in Colorado. Think about HER next time you hear, "Go Buffs."
As a teacher, I just don't get it. You go to college, earn a degree, and then throw your life away for a teenaged boy? What on earth? I started teaching when I was 21, and definitely boys made advances when I was younger. But you've got to be kidding me. Why can't women be professional and not let the flattery of the boys overcome them? These days, the boys say things like, "You really remind me of my mom." And I'm fine with's better than having boys trying to look down your shirt.
Gross but you may have just coined a new term. Kentucky in da house. Here's another for you sicko's. Is the 17 year old student, who nailed her, one lucky SOB or what? Former NFL cheerleader.
Sex and/or money- how many careers have been ruined over these. THESE days, you never know what that means.