Everyone on the team throws a better ball than AJ. Arm strength is great, but you gotta know where to throw it in a split second, and get it there with accuracy. Sure the dude throws a bullet, tight spiral, but that's only a small portion of what he needs to be able to do.
Yep, has moved to Fla. Didn't want to compete at LSU with Franks. Left his high school team high and dry. I'd rather let him go, what if things didn't go well at LSU, he transfers? Sometimes it's better to let these guys go. Every year, the best. QB's come out of the Evangel system, or one like it. Look back, how many have done great in college? Last year 80 QB's transfered from one college to another, remember the Rivers kid at LSU? Went to Vandy, now, transfering again. Every QB on just about every team thinks he's better than the starting QB, just ask them, same with most position players.
This kid for some reason brings the words Jay and Cutler into my head. No thanks, take that crap somewhere else.
I could be completely wrong about him, I could be completely wrong about Harris, Franks, and a whole slew of other quarterbacks. I'll freely admit I'm sick of dual threat quarterbacks which is why I'm biased. I hate them. I think they are terrible for football, and terrible to watch. There I feel better now.
I couldn't agree more about duel threat QB's. It looks like football is regressing instead of evolving. Some call it the future, but it looks more like the age of leather helmets.
More and more teams are going to a checks-with-me. They hold up a card, shows formation, count, etc. The QB doesn't have to think, everything is done for him, high school, college. Years ago, the best player on the high school team was the QB, now, not so much.