Then, no offense, you have no idea what drama actually is with recruiting. Do me a favor, find me quotes from Brian Thomas Jr. over the years that name leaders, change leaders, hype schools, constant social media posts, changing his mind, making demands, etc. Drama was Tristan Leigh and his family. (He and his mom were gross about recruiting.) Brian Thomas Jr. was about to announce and not one school of his final three had any idea if they were the school or not. That's the literal antithesis of drama with recruiting. That means you kept everything to yourself. Seems like because he didn't make the choice on a timetable others preferred he was drama? Like every other recruit he has until August 1st of 2021 to sign somewhere.. His family made one signing ceremony which was today. Brian made one commitment which was to LSU. He honored it. No constant Twitter posts. No new Instagram stories every few weeks narrowing his lists of schools from 25 down to 2 like many kids do. No interviews every other day with recruiting services for fans to pick apart his words. No letting his friends and teammates and coaches know his thoughts so they can then pass those on for recruiting fan's to pick apart. His folks didn't get on local radio in every college town they went to get the fan's going. He didn't try to sponsor anything. He didn't create his own brand. No marketing. He made one decision. He chose LSU. I am not trying to be rude, because I'm sure you don't follow recruiting super closely where every other kid IS drama.. but Brian Thomas Jr. is the farthest thing from a drama kid or drama recruit as it gets. If anyone thought Brian was dramatic it was based entirely on their own personal timetables and their own personal demands or expectations not Brian's actions and certainly not while thinking of his benefit in mind. To be fair, you're not the only one to think it was drama, but that's because of fan speculation and interest and rumor and NOTHING that Brian actually did or had anything to do with.
We might have just landed our new stud linebacker from the portal.. O tweeted out.. My money is on Mike Jones from Clemson. Should know tonight!
Changed my view of Brian Thomas. Watched a video of why he chose LSU and why he waited. Have to say he was very believable and genuine. Well spoken and seems like a good kid. Hold that Tiger!
Mike Jones Jr. is official
Does anyone know why he decided to bail on Clemson? He was a starter last year for 7 games last year.