FBI executes search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    even his inner circle hates him he is so angry
  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    see the pattern here? tell someone they are angry, or in this case "enraged" and then accuse them of siding with putin. this is the formula you have bern given and you follow it very closely.

    you dont find it odd how frequently you accuse folks of being angry?

    again i dont think you even understand your own strategy as well i do. you do this to deflect, but you dont even really realize it.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I don't really care what you think. When someone starts cursing and calling names and using all caps incessantly I generally believe that they are upset. I don't think this is a far flung conclusion to believe that someone is upset or angry when they are messaging me in all caps and cursing. If you can't handle that then you don't have to engage me at all. But you are not going to tell me what I can or can't say. Quit your whining...
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    nah everyone is fine. its just the internet. you dont need to invent that people are angry. its just a deflection.
    not sure if i do that, i dont like caps. and i use the swear words somettimes becasue its fuckin fun!

    lets imagine everyone is furious all the time. so what? who cares anyways. no point in constant speculation about people's emotional state. except to deflect of course.

    again, its just a deflection. lets see if we cant learn to stay on topic. like if i ask where the virus came from, you will say "wjy are you angry?"

    its just a defection. i am telling you this so you wont waste any more of your time doing it. its a polite gesture on my part.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Well I'm glad to know you are okay Sunshine...don't want to hurt any feelings. Just making observations...
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    you are still doing it. its a waste of time.
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    that was in real time in jan 2020, again, i was joking, and i said so at the time, on january 7th 2020:

    "duck, i was joking about the MAGA dorks. they are dumb. biden was duly elected. i was just goofing around because it amuses me when people go bonkers and riot.

    but in the spirit of whataboutism i would like to repeat that hillary said her presidency was stolen. and the media supported her for years. if that is true, then a raid on the govt would have been justified. wasnt true. but they said it forever. even here you dumb fucks repeated that the biden laptop was "russian dinformation"



    i also said "beijing stole the election from jeb". i was not being serious.

    i have over the years many times said i dont think this or any other notable recent election was stolen.

    my concern is with the press, as i think if the election was stolen from trump the media would bury it.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2023
  8. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    at least we know now there was nothing on the laptop….

    Hunter Biden investigation: Joe Biden’s pseudonyms hid Ukraine-related messages involving son
    by Sarah Bedford, Investigative Reporter
    August 18, 2023 05:51 AM
    President Joe Biden’s use of multiple pseudonyms during his vice presidency appears to have hidden some of his communications from that period, including some involving Ukraine policy and his son, Hunter Biden.

    The House Oversight Committee asked the National Archives on Thursday for communications involving three of Joe Biden’s aliases: Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware.

    The committee sought correspondence between those aliases, Hunter Biden, and two of his former business partners, Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer.

    Only emails involving the aliases and Hunter Biden are presently public due to the publication of the contents of a laptop he abandoned in a Delaware repair shop.

    Several of those messages suggest Hunter Biden was looped in on preparations his father, in his capacity as vice president, was making for talks with Ukrainian officials in 2016. At the time, Hunter Biden was working on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

    In one message from May 26, 2016, for example, Hunter Biden was copied on an email to his father from a staff member who was reminding the then-vice president that, the following morning, he would huddle with staff before a phone call with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

    Hunter Biden was not frequently looped into such emails about his father’s schedule. His inclusion on scheduling emails with “Robert Peters,” his father’s pseudonym at that time, appeared to happen on just a handful of dates that corresponded to developments with Ukrainian policy.

    Joe Biden had already successfully pressured Poroshenko to fire Ukraine’s prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, by the time the May 27 call occurred. Shokin had been investigating the energy company that was paying Hunter Biden and his business associates significant money at the time.

    During the call with Poroshenko in May 2016, Joe Biden mentioned the Ukrainian prosecutor situation, according to an archived readout of the call.

    Hunter Biden was copied on another emailon June 14, 2016, regarding his father’s official schedule for the day. The following day, June 15, Joe Biden held a meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman and announced a new package of aid to Ukraine.

    Hunter Biden was also included on an emaildetailing his father’s schedule for the day of that meeting.

    And just five days earlier, Schwerin, then Hunter Biden’s business partner, had visited the White House to meet with Joe Biden’s office, according to visitor logs.

    Other than the few days surrounding the Poroshenko call in May and the Ukrainian prime minister meeting in June 2016, Hunter Biden does not appear to be looped into more of the emails about his father’s “schedule cards,” or what appear to be internal memos detailing the vice president’s daily schedule.

    Joe Biden spent a significant amount of time during the end of 2015 and the first half of 2016 on Ukrainian policy.

    In early December 2015, he visited Ukraine and delivered a speech to the Ukrainian Rada, where he argued that “the Office of the General Prosecutor desperately needs reform” and said “the judiciary should be overhauled.”

    Three days after that speech, which was aimed at then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, Schwerin visited the White House, according to visitor logs.

    The House Oversight Committee’s requests to the National Archives included all drafts of that Dec. 9, 2015, speech in Ukraine.

    In an email between Hunter Biden and “Robin Ware,” another Joe Biden pseudonym, Hunter Biden appears to press for a friend, John McGrail, to land a job he wanted in June 2014, imploring his father to consider McGrail "before you fill [the] position."

    “Call me right away,” Joe Biden replied.

    By the following month, according to his LinkedIn page, McGrail had landed a job as a deputy counsel in the vice president’s office and was later promoted to counsel.

    Other emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop show Joe Biden communicated frequently with his family, using the aliases, to offer encouragement and to let them know how much he missed them on his travels.

    In one heartwarming set of exchanges, Joe Biden told his son that an article about his 2014 ejection from the Navy Reserves over cocaine use was as “good as it could have been” and encouraged his son to move forward.

    Joe Biden has often spoken of his closeness with his family, and Hunter Biden has remained at his father’s side for official events and trips even as his controversies cause headaches during Joe Biden’s presidency.

    But the evidence that Joe Biden had much more involvement in his son’s business affairs than he previously acknowledged has continued to mount in recent weeks.

    An IRS whistleblower this spring brought forward evidence that investigators had compiled over several years about the extent of Joe Biden’s role in the business, including an FBI interview with a former business partner who said discussions were had about cutting Joe Biden in on a Chinese business deal if he’d decided against his 2020 presidential run and Joe Biden’s willingness to stop by dinners to help his son close deals.


    Archer, another former business partner, told the House Oversight Committee last month that Hunter Biden would frequently put Joe Biden on speakerphone during meetings with his foreign business associates, including some from the Ukrainian company, and confirmed that Joe Biden stopped by in person to multiple foreign business dinners.

    In addition, emails and bank records show that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, also earned substantial income from foreign sources while Joe Biden was vice president, undermining the talking point that Hunter Biden’s business was completely isolated from the Biden family.
  9. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Not true. Shokin was very derelict at investigating ANYBODY, and that's why the Obama administration didn't want to send any more financial aid to Ukraine until he was removed. Our European allies also called for Shokin to be fired. Got anything better than a lying Washington Examiner MAGA site for us to peruse?
    Republican liars and their MAGA associate media outlets have been saying that for a long time, but they never produce any evidence.

    Got anything better than the laughable Washington Examiner for us to read?
  10. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    ….for some reason, I don’t think you’ll find this info on msnbc…

    but to be clear, is it the messenger or message you have heartburn with?
    BAY0U BENGAL and Jmg like this.

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