power hall 4 life, n words!!! looking back on it i hated that dorm but it didn't matter because i was living on my own. used to love to walk/run the lakes. walking in front of mike's cage to classes (i used to park in the bernie moore lot) and i'm fond of a little piece of real estate in front of tower dr under an oak for about the last 15 yrs. holla. oddly, a close by bathroom is where i met CS, he was the glory hole attendant :hihi:
Lived in Pentagon. The greek amphitheater and the enchanted forest were quiet seccludes. At that time the front of pentagon was the washateria on one side and a pinball arcade on the other. Spent many a quarter in there. Got my picture in the Reville for playing. They titled it Pentagonnorhea. :shock: Also, top floor of the library in the south back corner to study. Spent many a lonely evening there.
Anywhere on game day. Aside from that, spent many nights studying all night in the classrooms in CEBA. Even when I didn't need to study, spent a couple nights with friends and hooked up an XBOX 360 to the HD projectors in there and played all night....good times Highland Coffee is a chill place. Used to love swimming at the Huey Long Fieldhouse pool. They renovated the bathrooms in the library so no more glory hole fun for some of you :hihi: Going to the top floor of the Life Science Building and see downtown and the rest of BR is pretty cool too. All of this makes me miss LSU all the more.
I earned beer money in college playing 9-ball at Dirty Pierre's, The Library, and Magoos at night on Chimes Street. Legal age was 18 then. And I practiced every day between classes in the Pentagon pool hall. I got pretty good there for a while. They had a pub there for a while with cheap draft beer, another in Hatcher Hall and another in the Union. Those were the days.
I never had one place on campus where I always hung out when I was at LSU. I basically lived in CEBA for 5 years, so I was always on that side of campus (the boring side). Some places I have very good memories of include hanging out in the Quad, playing mud football with the Phi Mus on the Parade Grounds, navigating the steam tunnels, wandering through the Tiger Stadium dorms, living in a Fraternity house on Sorority Row, spending quality time with the KDs in Herget Hall (and CEBA and Allen Hall and the telescope on top of Nicholson and the 50 yard line of Tiger Stadium and mid court at the PMAC.....)
A nice fall day in the Quad...didn't matter where. Also spent a lot of time shooting pool in the Union. Me and a GF spent "quality time" parked by the lake across from West Laville. Wonder if anyone could see us?
Same here. Hadn't thought about it in years. Some were wanting to trim the oak up rather than allow it's natural growth.
Trimming it increases its chances of remaining upright should strong winds come. The less inside growth the less resistance and greater likelihood it survives a hurricane.
After a late night in the law library, relaxing on the steps of the old Law School with a cold beer with the Memorial Tower glowing across the Parade Grounds -- and Saturday nights inTiger Stadium --- ldskule: