Mark Ippolito would be honored to be included in this list. He is a close family friend, and a really great guy!
The biggest hitter LSU ever had, Clearence LeBlanc, always pronounced La-Blonk by the announcers. First names Treverance Faulk Devery Henderson Sheddrick Williams Last Names EJ Kuale Norman Lejeune Brown Boudreaux Nikky Savoie (sp?) Demitrius Hookfin
Can we make an All-Name team? Offense: Quarterback - Yelverton Abraham Tittle, Jeff Wickersham Running Back - Hokie Gajan, Joe Labruzzo, Gwain DiBetta Tight End - Nicky Savoie Receivers - O-Line - Monk Guillot, Milton Trosclair, Remi Prudhomme, Nacho Albergamo, Ruffin Rodrigue, Tyler Lafauci Defense: D-Line - Benji Thibodeaux, George Atiyeh, Buggar McFarland Linebackers - Mark Ippolito, Treverance Faulk, Warren Capone Secondary - Dimetrius Hookfin, Tommy Cassanova, Liffort Hobley Kick Returns - Sammy Grezzafi Help me out here, folks.
nicky savoie... my hometown's man Ryan Thomassie (spelling), also another of my hometown's men how can we be forgetting SHAQUILLE O'Neal. That is quite a bit the odd name. And I'm sorry if I missed it on someone else's list. Or how about Chris (Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf) Jackson I prefer the kicker Chris Jackson myself!