actually, if it was his muslim appearance, then given he was flying on a middle eastern airline..... draw your own conclusion. there are a couple here and probably more. my conclusions are... probably a lot of the passengers had a muslim appearance so profiling would be lily white girl like me that would be different. if it was a middle eastern airlines, why would they give a flying phuck about no fly lists and terrorists? the plane is like one big get away vehicle with a pilot.
In fact, the federal law required airlines to check the no-fly list only once a day. It is now being changed to require them to check it within two hours after being notified that an addition was made to it.
well they don't. I have had a $50 rejected when i was buying ~$45 worth of gas, etc. Their reasoning is complete BS.
I'd say you're closer to eggshell. The armed robbers don't care what the large bill paid for. They only want the large bill.
I all honesty, I don't give a chit. It is legal American tender, it should be accepted. How they store it is their problem.
It's required by the TSA that air carriers check every name against the No Fly list when passengers make a reservation and when passengers check in. Appearance has nothing to do with it because computers (who perform this function automatically) see nothing except 1's and 0's.
I've repeated myself a million times. Consequences to actions. I could care less about SA and Israel. All they do is cost us money.
There is still no reason why this can't happen in real time. Pathetic attempt at govt. regulation once again.