Ed Orgeron said he hasn’t spoken to Miles or anyone from LSU, but he wouldn’t turn the opportunity down if his phone rang. But then he also said this, so who knows at this point: My guess would be because of his Louisiana ties and family, that if we approached him first or made him a sweeter deal he'd come to LSU in a heartbeat. But if we delay, if he was a person of interest, that he'd go to UT to be with Kiffen.
I have no idea what has transpired in the past recruiting wars between coach O and Miles but if Miles is working off the premise that what is best for the LSU football program is best for CLM then I would hope he could put ego aside and hire coach O.....(Chavis D-Coordinator and Coach O D Line or whatever title he wants) I knew a very successful business man once (we played a lot of golf together) and he had a cool saying. "If you want to be successful then everyday when you go to work you have to check your ego at the door." Corny I know but a lot of truth to it. Here's hoping the egos don't get in the way of making LSU football what it should be....a talent laden, well coached can of whup ass destroying everything in its path...:tigereye:
"clearly Miles has some considerable degree of respect and admiration for Orgeron, and frankly Miles seems like the kind of guy who can and would make every effort to get along with a prickly personality if it was good for the team. But is Ed Orgeron also of such a personality? Could he come into a program like LSU, not being the head guy, after being the head coach at Ole Miss, and take direction from not only Les Miles, but from whomever Miles hires as defensive coordinator? And could the other coaches on the staff get along with him? Tommy Tuberville famously couldn't." http://www.andthevalleyshook.com/2008/12/1/675867/lsu-post-regular-season-mo
Ultimately I think if Orgeron comes into the mix, it'll be because the new DC (Chavis or whoever) wants him there and knows the value of his recruiting potential among other attributes. And if that's the case I really don't see Miles standing in the way... Miles wants LSU to be as successful as we do... and has a lot more riding on LSUs success than we do... so I think the necessary changes will take place regardless of who the names are that're brought in.
Coach Miles is on the recruiting trail. I doubt if he has had time to contact anyone, much less negotiate an agreement.
But would Miles be the one actually negotiating the agreement? How does this work? Is this something done between lawyers and agents, or what? I want to believe the rumors that changes...real changes...are in the works. But I remember the rumors about Tenuta last year and how those fizzled and we got Malleveto or whatever that trainwreck of a DC co-chairs or whatever the hell they weren't.