Not trying to shoot the messenger, but already one of those predictions were wrong - the Les being on board with it part. What makes you think any of the other parts are accurate? Lots of far fetched predictions coming forth. Will be nice when this shakes out to see what is truth.
He also said Jimbo will anounce his resignation next week, and there is some hype video that is being made that should surface sometime soon as well. Again I don't know if this all true or not but like I said, he's nailed a few other things ahead of time too, so maybe it is correct.
What Les says publically at this point doesn't mean anything. Haven't you learned how to interpret coachspeak? "I will not be the head coach at the University of Alabama." I think there is a good chance it's accurate because of the source.
It's better you don't remember his name if it's who I think it is. I'd love to make it to where it was not allowed to be posted here ever. Just "him"
I refer you back to interpreting coachspeak. Look online and see if you can get the Rosetta Stone course