Hmmmmm....maybe, I always thought it was a written rule. If USC is interested that could definitely muddy the waters.
Worth a look yes, but his resume is a little short. He would be one of the riskier picks out of the names mentioned. Doesn’t mean he wouldn't be a great coach, just isn't enough information to assume he will be.
Is it a law that Gruden, aka "Chucky" be mentioned anytime there is a coaching change, anywhere, ever? And I wonder if so, what he gets in royalties everytime his name is spoken. I'm surprised Jack Del Rio's name hasn't been randomly thrown out there too (or maybe I haven't been paying attention).
I find it comical that so many people are willing to give Les a break and want him to go out in a classy way but in the next breath are so anti-Alleva. He's a tiger, too. Give him a chance to fail/succeed with this decision. He's done pretty good by men's basketball and baseball (though both still have something to prove). Some of the others sports are also having lots of success, though I am disappointed in women's basketball. Just crazy to me how many folks are pumpers, except when it comes to Alleva.
You would think Aleva would go back and read the "playbook" when they got Miles, he was not even close to the first choice. The secret to success is to find the next rising star. I think Fuente may 1 more big job away from the top of the pile but at least you know if he is willing to live in Memphis, he would live in BTR.
IF LSU decides to part ways with Miles, IF they can get a big name they want (let's pretend it is Fisher), then this is actually a pretty good year to make the transition. Current players and recruits will be fine and maybe even rejuvenated IF a big name coach is put in place. We have a young team, so a new guy can make them into his own. Miles' strengths, imo, were putting good coaches in place, player relationships, and recruiting. I think we win in all accounts if the right guy is hired. I think LSU's danger in hiring a new coach is the what if game. What if Fisher says no, what if Kelly, Dabo, and D'Antonio say no? Would LSU prosper from hiring a Mid major coach with a few good years under their belt? No way to really know, but I think the worst case scenario for LSU is committing to making the change and then having to "take the backup" and not getting the coach they want right out of the gate. Alleva is "coaching" for his job as well in this. He will either come out smelling like a rose or have turd on his face if he handles it incorrectly (I hope he has some guidance).
I think Strong may very well be looking for a job. He has a proven track record as a DC. Spurrier, I feel is washed up. His heart is not in it and I think he has sailed on to greener pastures. Kevin Steele hire was crap on Miles' part. He stunk at Clemson and has shown no capacity at LSU either.
Nope. Spurrier is done and he knows he is. You don't quit a team mid season if you're not ready to throw in the towel for good. If you're not ready to retire and you quit mid season, then I don't want you here anyway. I wouldn't have an issue with Strong at DC.