No, I very rarely take any meds at all either prescription or OTC. Is that the same as Bioflex or whatever it is? I also think I have something really wrong with my knee, pretty sure some sort of "CL" is probably ripped to shreds in there. I'll figure it out eventually. Seems like an option, may have to look into it I used to have a strong hoops game back in the day. Trouble now is finding a place to play. The street I live on is on about a 20 degree angle. I just got rid of one of those goals that have the base that you fill with water/sand because I didn't want my kid learning to shoot on a leaning goal. The kid is the other problem, I'm not sure I can beat him. I'll just stick to golf, at least I'm not using a Driver on a par 3
Bike riding here prolly doesn’t count as cardio unless you got hills. Or a peloton. Or one of those lance wannabes on river road I’m sure to run over at some point.
I don't like the attitude of some of those assholes. Will ride 3 or 4 abreast on a residential street and when I honk or just gun it around them they yell and flip me off.
They skipped their physics courses. They’re also going to get hit at some point. I think eventually they grow out of it.
You guys are idiots to tear your joints up running anywhere on asphalt or concrete. Isometrics are the fucking bomb and don’t tear your joints up and add 10 years to your life. Google Fat Extinguisher - Trey Adeshun Lock: Lengthens Life w/Best Health with 10 specific Isometric Exercises ... 2 in the AM & all 10 in the PM to get ripped When you hit peak shape, you Coast and do the exercises 5 days a week & eat what u want Wall Sits alternate with next (5 times, 10 mins) There’s a 50 food list and 10 foods to never eat If you’re a FAT ASS, Matcha green Tea works! Cortisol destroys your ability to build up HGH and 10 bad foods are loaded with this shit ... Program is $49 ... Get 10 monkeys to share and it’s $5 each I’m 60 this Fall and look 40 and I’ll smash Hot young pussy all my life well into my 80’s ... Fat Extinguisher Program is a better lock than my 12-1 Weekly Locks Record last year. Did my good deed for the day here. Horse to water!
So it’s sugar and things that convert to sugar that kick us in the butt weight wise. Most important is portion control. We eat way too much. Unfortunately another real killer is, wine, liquor are all sugary. The list is nice but it’s up to each of us to do what fits our needs and body type and energy use