You slamming Oeaux’s new Buddy now! Rougarou (my nephew) is a bit Country for your smack talking ass ... That’s 6’5” (compare him to Oeaux) and 230 lbs of country muscle and whoopass ... You’d last about 15-30 seconds with Ole Rou depending on how fast you can run. He’s about a 4.7 and I’ve watched him fight with those long arms landing serious shots ... it was over quick
You’re an idiot ... CaCa is 71 I’m 59 Rou is 39 I played ball with Bobby Hebert and Orgeron in the 70’s My nephew look late 50’s to you
He does look a bit cromagnon and scruffy with the shoes untied ... Kinda an embarrassment to be taking a pic as Coach is dressed up nice, but he’s country to the bone and indispensable to our farm ops here.
I ate the whole mofkn bag of Key Lime Snaps like the human trash can that I am and now I’m Permanently Puckered, just like the Neo Nazi Pig I am doing phone sex on side and posting the Heineken Beer Quality Control Phone # on my Avatar at 877-522-5001 ... I can’t believe I et the whole GD bag. And then drank 6 stinkin’ Heinekens. I’m dying for sure now
Dos Equis, retard. An obvious part of your schtick is pretending you know something and throwing it out as the solid truth when the reality is, everyone knows you're a GD fraud and for the most part, listen to less than half the shit you say. It has GOT to be a lonely world out there when the only 2 people who take up all the room in your entire head is tap and nick saban. Hell, you gotta spit one out just to fuck with me and you can't even do that right. You are a sideshow and that, pilgrim, is your new name. Sideshow. Welcome to the board, shitshow. Oops, I'll work on that...sideshow Sidesheaux
Hey SideSheaux, One of your birds is upside down! Get it Right! Aight! That annoys Saban worshippers who like symmetry! You think folkses don’t read this ... Saban Hisself comes to this website ... A helluva lot more read these pearls than you think Sidesheaux. That is ... If you could think! I’m working on that and you’re getting tutored every time you read and reply! Hell, even Trump himself comes to our Football Games and peeps our boards.