I'm sick of all this "rich people" need to pay their fair share crap. The 2012 Index of Dependence on Government Maybe they should stop sucking on the govt. tit. I wish I got my fair share of govt. assistance. Nope stuck writing a check every year.
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power THE HISTORY OF TAXES: Here's How High Today's Rates Really Are
People can continue to complain about taxes all they want, but that isn't the problem. The problem is the gov't spending money we don't have (by hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars per year).
one thing they can change is the so called Refund checks aka Wealth Redistribution Checks. if you only pay $3000-5000 in to taxes over the year how in the hell can you get back $5 to $8000 dollars? if a person is receiving government assistance they should not get their Refund checks. if a person under 50 is on medicaid and goes to doctor then the bill should be taken out of any "refund" check they might think they're entitled too. i have to pay all year then come tax time pay some more. if i go to Dr it comes out of my pocket. when i go to buy food and pay utilities and rent i don't receive assistance. i work with a man who goes to hospital everytime he gets a headache or gas. he said it's free is why. he's 47 and has a house full of grandkids by out of wedlock mommas. government needs to cut some of this bull**** now because it's getting to late to reverse it.
Oh my, you racist, facist, nazi, insensitive neanderthal. How can you possibly expect people to operate by doing someting for themselves. Those kids were born out of wed lock because they were kids that just didn't know any better but it isn't their fault becuase we shouldn't teach responsibility. After all everything is free. Did you not get the memo. It was changed from the "Life, Liberty, and the persuit of Happiness" to "Life, What the Gvt allows you to do, and the entitlement of a house". How dare you question it
yes it is, taxes hurt the economy terribly. lower taxes mean better lives for everyone this implies that the spending would be ok if only we taxed ourselves enough to pay for it, which is not true. the spending is bad as well, but primarily because it means taxes in the future.