somehow, they are getting even more extreme at FoxNews. "Palin to Join Fox News as Contributor" - Palin to Join Fox News as Contributor
Name any one of the big ones that is truly fair and balanced. News organizations have long since stopped reporting the news and now try to be the news. You can't turn on the tv and get news without a hard slant to the left or the right.
exactly. it is kinda stupid to really even expect value (meaning non-biased facts) from cable tv news. i for one appreciate a perspective. if we want to piece together things and figure them out for sure, we are gonna need to read, from multiple sources. thats the way it will always be. a also believe therms slanted and biased are kinda useless in this context. fox is no more biased than anyone else. if there were a news channel that was what most people considered "unbiased", then i would describe that station as wildly biased to whatever people coinsider mainstream, which i am sure would be terrible. when the free market atheist network gets started, and reports news from my perspective, then i will describe that as "unbiased".
Exactly. Scales are now completely balanced. Not fair, but will have to come up with new formula to ensure fairness and stick with logo It is a shame that Fox has a bias, but so does CNN, MSNBC, and any other new organization. Today, every issue, no matter how personal, small or large, has been made into a political hot topic by news organizations. Whenever something happens that doesn't fit into an organization's agenda or can't easily be addressed, it is not mentioned or downplayed. Fox does this, and so do all the rest.
name one other that has a slogan "fair and balanced". and, while i realize that there is strong bias in most tv news, i cant think of another contributor that is more polarizing. this is no big deal, she'll be giving her opinion, editorializing, but its just so over the top obvious that fox is not trying to be balanced. i wonder how much money fox has offered limbaugh and cheney to do the same.
They have opinion shows and news shows. The news is no more biased than NBC, ABC, CBS, New York Times, et. al. It's just that conservatives could not care less about it while libs like to bitch and moan about every little perceived slight.