I think you mistake pleasure for comic relief. Some people have been saying things for a long time while others called them haters, etc, yet it all has basically come true. No one wins here and I think everyone of us would rather be wrong had Les Miles win another title. It aint happening brother. We might not win another game this year.
I don't think anyone takes pride the fact that we've been killed 3 consecutive weeks. Some people's defense mechanism to try and spin a negative into something funny.
i almost never disagree with your posts, Winston, but you are embarrassing yourself out of spite. Let it go, man. The decline was real and some were right about it. Truth hurts sometimes. and yes isl, it was a sarcasm post to one that wasnt.
Fuck you Winston, just because we watch LSU critically doesn't mean we take pleasure when things worth criticizing happen. Blame yourself for mistaking criticism for being anti-LSU.
Exactly. No one takes pleasure in how LSU has played. However, For some the truth has been obvious for awhile now.
What that comes down to is people who watch a game and know what they see vs. Those who just hope some shit works out. The truth is the talent/production coefficient has been way off for a very long time. I saw it long ago, I'm one of "them " like our old friend @LSUDad used to say, I call it like I see it. Perhaps if he had the stones to stick around he might tell us why we are wrong but it seems he is busy with a tube of vagisil. Oh well. I'm sorry this appears to be the end for Les. The fact of the matter is he controlled his own destiny. Live by the cloud die by the cloud.
Pleasure? This has been excruciatingly painful. What makes it even more painful is that I really like Miles and this was totally avoidable. No one is to blame but Miles. For some reason he had come to believe that he was untouchable. He refused to do the blatantly obvious things needed to be done and now he's paying the price. I wish him well and hope he lands on his feet, but it has come time to find someone less hard headed.
I am surprised anyone on this board would think anyone takes pleasure in this debacle. I have been a fan since 1957. I used to get so stressed out, I could not even watch. This is not fun, it is painful. Hating the level at which we are playing, and hating the team, school, or anything like is way, way different. Unfortunately this mess has been brewing for more than a year or two. There are widespread, consistent issues, and the fix will be neither quick nor painless. Like I tell my students, "If I didn't care, I wouldn't care." That's the deal.