That's not my point,.. it was,.. even if they wanted to, there's only so much Muslim clerics could do. If the terrorist doesn't like what he hears, he will drift to another cleric,.. good people cannot control violent people,.. not there, not here, nowhere. Timothy McVeigh's exist, and they will kill the innocent. Again 123's link about strong Muslim support for terrorists,.. that bothers me a lot.
There are not thousands and thousands of Timothy McVeighs and the few there are don't get the widespread support from their peers that mooslem terrorists get for their activities, as well as secretly donated money to help them carry out their nefarious acts. McVeigh was an anomaly rather than the norm. And while McVeigh was caught and executed, it was not his intent to die and get 72 virgins.
B,.. your pics don't show for me? I guess 72 virgins would be ok, though experience has it's virtues,.. imagine though, 72 women constantly yapping at you,.. be enough to drive you out of heaven.
Timothy McVeigh, really! You dissapoint me . Are you actually comparing McVeigh to Islamic jihad? Tell me you are not this dim. McVeigh was retailating for Waco and Ruby Ridge this was not a religious based act of terror. Waco and Ruby Ridge are examples of what scares people about a government becoming oppressive. Use your "right wing" now and then
72 virgins sounds great but got to thinking; I like that virgin befuddled look as much as anyone but after about 5 virgins I am going to want a pro. I am I wrong about that?
d-i-s-a-p-p-o-i-n-t,.. disappoint So, you think McVeigh had reason, and he's ok in your book,.. doesn't surprise me.
It bothers me to brother. I think it real. I have no doubt that majority of American Muslims would not oppose an invading Muslim force. The chances of that happening in the US are slim, but if you look to Europe, they are entering in DROVES. Millions. Its just the start. Look, I support all people that want to assimilate. Muslims dont seem, on the larger scale, to want to do that.
Make sure your phone is set to auto rotate and turn it sideways. I posted them from a computer and I can see them on my phone too.