Your numbers have been on all year, Jonathan Stone? Is that you??? But for real! --- I am here:,-95.534972
Since Ark is the most Since Ark is or was the most over rated team we have played , we may not have scored enough points . they have a good offense, but no def what so ever .
I am a product of Louisiana schools and I can't be expected to understand I'll have to defer to the experts who know everything about statistics indicating who should win.... Where are all the OREGON FANS when you neede 'em ???? Georgia isn't gonna know what hit them !! Come on...they lost to the only decent teams they played (Boise and South Carolina). They're the anti smurfs !!!
Steve .. my crap ain't statistics. It's ratios. I leave all those phoney statistics to the ESPN types. Anyone can have the best defense in the nation ... against the worst teams in the nation. Anyone can throw or run for 100s of yards, against pathetic defenses.