damn, i was thinking there was a pat. my brain is not working on anything. i knew i was tired and not thinking, but this is getting ridonkulous. i cant remember shyt today! beginning to wonder how i found my way home. :hihi:
NO--no frowns either. I volunteer to Botox the entire team so the SEC officiating crews won't see glaring, frowning, dark looks, etc. Our guys will look like choirboys (while they're ramming it home to the opposition). LOL
LOL I love the fact in the pic it looks like the Tiger on the ground is rolling around on the ground laughing.
That's why I didn't commit to it hard in my comment. I suspected that the CBS baffoons were ad-libbing it a bit. Still, I am not a fan of the rule. Again, in real-time, anyone would have been hard pressed to see it. I don't like all the no fun rules. Sure, you need to have some rules and can't let things get whacked out there, but this is probably too much. $.02
Bottom line is that it's a judgement call that the ref could have and should have eaten the flag on. Had he not even thrown it, it's highly doubtful that it's even noticed. Not that he intentionally set out to do it, but I'm sure the ref knew it had never been called before, so when he saw his opportunity to be the first one ever to flag it, he took it.
Isn't there a rule against jumping on a receiver's back while the ball is in the air? Must not be because that wasn't called.:dis: These ref's pick up on a microsecond long arm spread and a player 2 inches off the line of scrimmage ona kickoff but can't see a receiver getting mauled?
Danielson explicitly said that "egregious" was the interpretation of the rule the officials would use, based on discussions he had with other officials, not that it was a standard written into the rule. In other words, officials would use their judgment and discretion in applying the rule, which evidently they have since this is the first time through half a season, and hundreds of games, that this has been called. Leave it to the SEC to apply it in the most ticky-tack manner possible. And since Rogers Redding has backed up his Keystone Cops on this, I guess this is the standard of "egregious" they'll be using from now on (games in Tuscaloosa not applicable).
You can bet your hairy arse that bama will NEVER be called on this. A bama player could do a tripple forward spinning flip into the endzone after goose stepping for ten yards and land in a full split making the throat slashing sign with one hand and flipping the bird with the other while spinning the ball on his head and not get this called aginst them. Especially aginst lsu.