Who the hell is Will Harris??? Did he invent the Harris poll???:hihi: Cause the poll and his predictions are always way off.
It will be interesting to see how the predictions break down. Ever since the title game, worshipping the SEC & bashing the b10 has been the status quo. Once USC went down, and UM reached a new low, this only became louder. In typical fashion with the media these days, they take something impressive and drown it with so much praise & hyperbole that it grows into a living legend. The SEC has been largely embraced for their accomplishments, the preseason noshows largely forgotten (tenn), and in-conf upsets rewarding the victor with a skyrocketed ranking. I may not have been as sensitive to the LSU doubters, but it seems to me like they were largely embraced when in the #1 spot... while most were uncomfortable to outraged when OSU slid into that ranking. Personally I don't think it matters how many individuals pick OSU. They've been mocked for almost a full year, even when they held the #1 ranking. I doubt they'll lose that chip. I agree it is an unfortunate obstacle (they just added a bye week to help in future yrs), but they learned a hard lesson last year. There were concerns about their attitude heading into christmas break, but most assumed Tressel would have his troops prepared like always. There is quite an opposite attitude heading into this game. I'm not here to proclaim what that means on the scoreboard, but it has made a dramatic impact on bowl preparation thus far by all those witnessing it, at a level they have not seen before. Also, the layoff did not seem to be a hangup in the other 3 bcs bowls.
I agree with Jwinslow except for one BIG fact...last year was the first time that the BCSNCG was played a week later than previous years. So OSU would have had a 44 day lay-off instead of 51. This year LSU has a week longer to wait than they did in 2003. What difference does one more week make??? Not sure, just clearing things up...
Even funnier is he has the SEC going 2-7 in bowl games with only Kentucky and Georgia winning.....clueless.
This guy is just not paying attention. Les may be brash, but anyone who knows him or has followed him realizes that he's not arrogant. That "widely disliked among LSU fans" line is just horse crap. Most of Les' local critics changed their minds after Katrina and the rest changed their minds last year. Find me an LSU fan who isn't delighted with three straight 11-win seasons. The only LSU fans calling for Les' head are in the mental hospitals. Not even Guillbeau is anti-Les at this point.
I don't know, I didn't feel like looking past this article. He picked 10 games other than the ones I posted. He got Va Tech Vs BC and UCLA Vs Oregon correct, but I don't recall the third. So he was 3 of 10 with some pretty ridiculous predictions. I was only trying to argue that he may not be the best guide for those who may want to wager on the game.
Another big 10 homer that managed to get a job "prognastimasturbanying'...:insane: yea, I just mad that up!