ESPN's Chris Low

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Rece@2022, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    Oh, he's typing as we speak.
  2. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Actually, I was TRYING to get some work done. Just. Cannot. Stop. Reading. Tiger. Forums!!!!

    CP, I realize all that. But as you stated, ours was a headline game. That's because we weren't playing Utah State. That's because we weren't playing Jacksonville State. That's because we weren't playing Miami of Ohio. All the more reason to blast Stoops, Nutt, and Meyer. Those teams also had the entire offseason to get ready for their cupcakes, and looked like crap. Depleted, yes, but UNC was a stronger opponent than any of the 3 they faced.

    My point is this. I'm not here to defend all that Les Miles does or doesn't do. But I actually DO check out other team's forums...and I also heard what the "experts" had to say about those 3 games. It was NOTHING like the tripe being spewed about Miles/LSU.

    May, to say that Miles/LSU is in more trouble than Davis/UNC is ridiculous. I'm typically not one of the "ESPN hates LSU" crowd, but it's becoming more and more true. And yes, a lot of it is deserved. Also, a lot of it is because they're used to LSU being a dominant team. But then again, USC is supposedly a dominant team. USC lost the same amount of games as LSU last season. USC has a whole new staff, and is on heavy probation. Yet, I didn't hear ANYBODY at ESPN spewing vitriol like that spewed against Miles/LSU, even after they give up 600 yds to HAWAII!! This from the 14th ranked team in the nation?? Sorry, but it seems to be out of balance with the smack from ESPN.

    Theory. And I'm serious. They get a lot of their crap from forums/local writers/blogs. There's no way they can be expected to keep up with everything that happens with every team in the country. They get a vibe and they run with it. Les is on the hot seat, but Stoops isn't, Carroll wasn't, Richt isn't, Nutt isn't, etc, etc, etc. The reason IMO? LSU fans say Les is on the hot seat, so it must be true. Funny thing is, it isn't the majority. It's the very vocal minority. Go look at the poll that was started AFTER the UNC game about how many games LSU will win this season. Last I checked, 10 was leading. Then look thru the threads here. It doesn't add up. I haven't dared to venture onto TOS. I can't imagine it.
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  3. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    I don't agree with this.

    TF has a ton of pro-Miles sunshiners on here, probably moreso than anti-Miles posters. Because TD is so negative about Miles, they flock here. That's one reason why when TD is mentioned, it's accompanied with disparaging remarks.

    I bet the same poll on TD would provide much different results.

    As a student, I work at a grocery store, and each customer I asked about the game that came through my line grumbled about Miles without me even mentioning his name.

    Miles may not technically be on the hot seat as far as his contract is concerned, but a lot of people are tired of seeing LSU fold up like they did. Not everyone buys into the "a win is a win" thing, because when you win sloppy, it means you'll eventually lose sloppier, and that's what has happened the last 2 years and could happen again this year.
  4. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Maybe so. TOS is full of teenagers that have never witnessed anything but a 100 win decade. I would love to see some demographic done to show the average age there vs here. Bottom line, there's a poll on THIS forum, and 10 wins is leading. Yet there are NOT many positive threads going on right now...on this same forum. Do you disagree with this? My contention seems accurate based on that alone...that the minority HERE is more vocal. That's what I'm talking about. If that poll wasn't there for everyone to see, you'd bet by looking thru these threads that 6 or 7 wins would be leading by a long shot. Yet 10 has a pretty comfortable lead.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Im a pumper, but I am not pro Miles, though I do not wish him gone.

    I do agree he was to blame for the second half, I am just SO PRO LSU, I have faith all will be good in tiger land!
  6. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    Meh, I'll agree that the majority of the board believes we are a 10 win team.
  7. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    This is Mrs. Fishhead. She is an Ole Miss alum that I have successfully transformed into an LSU fan. This is just before we left Roswell to go to the game.

    She is what I would consider an unbiased opinion. She does not totally bleed P&G. She is an intelligent, (and might I level headed college football fan, and she agrees with me that LSU fans are ridiculous in their expectations. She was on the couch next to me reading along after we got back from the game, and she was appalled at the posts. She thought I must be on TD instead of TF.
    Basically, I just wanted to show you guys that I too "married up"...or as I like to say, "outkicked my coverage". But there was a point to it. The entire outside world does not think Les Miles should be on any hot seat. She was much less impressed with Houston Nutt, Bob Stoops, and ESPN. Meyer gets a pass because neither she nor I thought UF was gonna be a top 5 team this year after losing Tebow and others, as well as a lot of good coaches.
  8. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Different thread, same theme. It goes something like this.

    Insert useful quote/stat.

    See, Miles is an idiot, Crowton is incompetent.

    Wait - how do you get that?

    Because when you're dumb, you're an idiot and Miles is dumb, so he's an idiot. X proves that.

    X was caused by Q and R, plus S. Then there's T. I give you Y and Z, and I'm especially concerned about Z. But Q and R didn't help Y either.

    Aww - you're drinkin' Koolaid and a Sunshine pumper. Everybody else in the country is making fun of me (I mean LSU) and it's because Miles is an idiot and he sucks.

    etc., etc.

    We should identify these threads with this Emoticon right on the subject line: :rolleye33:.
  9. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    But despite her attempts to cover him up, she's still wearing toonces.

    In all seriousness, though, I guess it's hard to say, really. It'd be nice to see a national poll... then again maybe not.
  10. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Yeah...she didn't know any better. She also bought a toonces shirt for my youngest son to wear. She has been advised, and will make corrections next time. I said "you're wearing toonces", and she's like "WTF is toonces"?? Like I said, she's a Rebel that is in the process of becoming a Tiger. She's not a finished product...but she's teachable.

    ***And that was MY attempts to cover him up...not hers. I adjusted the scarf before I took the picture.:wink:

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