ESPN: Saints d had "bounty" programs

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints Forum' started by mctiger, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    btw, wjray, what do you think about the class action suit against Goodell?
  2. wjray

    wjray .-.. ..- -.- .

    Oct 23, 2005
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    Don't know a whole lot about it. I was in trial last week so my focus narrowed quite a bit until that was over.

    With that said, if it's a class action for damages (which it would almost have to be though a class action injunction or a class action declarative action are beautiful things to my twisted mind) then the class has to prove damages with some degree of certainty. So what are Saints fans' damages? That the team might have a shitty year and they're suffering emotional damage? That's so speculative and individualized as to make it uncertifiable as a class. Or are damages that the value of season tickets is somehow reduced? If I'm on the other side, my fairly short depositions of class members there would go something like "Did you try to sell individual tickets?" If yes, then "did you get face value or more for them?" if no, I got less,then "please produce a receipt." if yes, then no other questions along those lines but ask this " Did you give up your season tickets?"

    I think it's a creative idea that will garner a bit of publicity and free advertising for the lawyer(s) handling the class. Buti don''t think it's got a snoball' chance.
  3. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    Great to have a mind like yours here. Great insight, thanks. I do like any fesces we can throw at Goodell though ;)
  4. wjray

    wjray .-.. ..- -.- .

    Oct 23, 2005
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    I appreciate it. I also like flinging doo-doo at Darth Roger. That's the main reason I hope Vilma's defamation suit gets to proceed to discovery. I might even try to find a way to slip into THAT deposition.
  5. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Anyone ever seen Bridge on the River Kwai? Early in the movie, the commander of the British prisoners wages some sort of protest, and the Japanese commander sticks him in the hot box. Eventually he is forced to relent, and the British officer is freed, to the overjoyed celebration of his men. While they are cheering their triumphant commander, the camera cuts to a shot of the Japanese officer in his quarters, sitting on his bed bawling like a baby, because he got beat.

    My mind pictured Goodell in that position, watching Vilma on the field for the Saints today.
    orlandotiger and fanatic like this.

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