ESPN (outside the lines)

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU-SIU, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    So, you have spoken pretty strongly (and repetitively). What say you after CLMs explanation? He wasn't indicating to spike the ball, but rather was trying to contradict what the defensive player was trying to claim that he recovered the ball from Terrance Tolliver. CLM was trying to sign that the ball was down by motioning his arm downward multiple times. Once again, comes down to communication and interpretation. Dude has been running an honest, clean program with integrity, yet after one play that has been misinterpreted, you scold him and throw him out. He has earned and deserves more than that. He admits he made a mistake in clock management. I don't know about you, but I have never made a mistake, so I will absolutely not forgive him for that:rolleye33: CLM is a good coach and a good man. CGC, however, does need to go, and that is not my kneejerk reaction - I have maintained that for 3 years (never liked him from the get go, feared this is how our offense would deteriorate, and never bought into the whole wizard stuff - just to be clear).

    You need to apologize, and maybe you, too, will be forgiven.
  2. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    To be clear, they still should have thrown the ball into the endzone on that last play. That, too, was a mistake. But, CLM was trying to motion from the play before that TT was down, and not to tell JJ to spike the ball. One play was blending into the other, so I understand the misinterpretation. People need to information gather before jumping to conclusions, though, and CLM has over a 4 year interval earned respect for his integrity. I have been amazed how that dissipated after one play. He deserves better than that. He just needs to surround himself with better coord - which he has done on defense, and now needs to complement that on offense. He will right the ship, I am confidant of that. People need to galvanize their opinions of him, and trust the objective part - he has won more than any other coach at LSU. His SEC record the last 2 years definitely needs improving - if it does not, then I would entertain that he needs to go, too. Again, trust the objectivity (a poor SEC record with quality asst's and he has no where to hide then), and trust his integrity.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    This is why I don't watch ESPN and why I don't read stupid threads (I didn't read this one, but knowing the OP, it has to be a stupid thread).
  4. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Les Miles gave C students everywhere a bad name.:geaux:
  5. LSU-SIU

    LSU-SIU Founding Member

    Jul 29, 2009
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    YouTube - Les Miles Calling for Spike and Lying Against Ole Miss 11/21/09

    Well if that is signal for anything other than spiking the ball he has some serious issues that goes beyond football. All the players are looking back and seeing that motion, signal caller probably saw him doing it and called it in.

    That's just plain stupid. He signaled in spike, regardless of what he thought he was doing.... try doing that with a "T" signal and see how the refs like it.

    Yeah, maybe you are right, he isn't lying he's just plain dumb.
  6. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    Again, I think you are trying to label all that he is as a coach based on one frenzied moment. Labeling him "dumb" means you have no confidence in any aspect related to his football IQ. Like all of us, he has strengths and weaknesses, with clock management being a clear weakness. This does not equate to being dumb. You don't win a NC, and have the record he does running a major national perrenial power football program if you are dumb, football-wise or otherwise in overall general knowledge. He is a smart man who runs a clean, successful football team with so many considerations and nuances to maintain that you cannot even fathom, and he does it with integrity and class. He just simply needs to have better offensive support staff advising him in place - plain and simple.

    I am all for people having opinions, but calling CLM dumb is not only unfair, it is extremely unproductive for the success of our football team b/c it plants negative seeds in the fanbase that supports the team, which ultimately has a negative impact on the program. You should reconsider your assessment and support the team during good and bad, recognizing a moment for what it is, a moment in time. If the HC is truly incompetent, it will be borne out and he will be dismissed. Now is not the time, however, IMHO. Until that time, I will personally continue to support the man who represents our university in a class manner.
  7. LSU-SIU

    LSU-SIU Founding Member

    Jul 29, 2009
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    Look, it's as simple as this.

    Either he called spiking or he didn't, he either lied about it or he didn't.

    The fact is he was calling spike, whether he intended to or not. Whether he was lying about it can be up for debate. If his contention is that he did not call for a spike, well he is clearly wrong... he was. If he didn't know that was the universal signal for spike then I would say he is football dumb, if he goes back and sees the video and still says he didn't call spike then he is a liar. He clearly did call for the spike and too be honest it wouldn't have mattered... they didn't get the play off.

    To be honest I don't know why everyone is mad at the last minute of the game, it's the other 59 minutes that were offensive.

    I will end it there, Crowton should be gone by Monday, if he is not gone soon then I have no reason to watch the complete destruction of this team.

    Complete destruction of the offense by Crowton is nearly complete. The moron prophecy has been fulfilled.
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Fat phucking chance.

    Now everyone here is hoping Crowton stays.
  9. LSU-SIU

    LSU-SIU Founding Member

    Jul 29, 2009
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    Man, what did it take you all day sitting in your trailer to come up with that joke? I mean if you are going to come up with a joke you can talk about my mother or something.

    Or what about, well, LSU-SIU the jerk store called....

    Or, LSU-SIU, your mother is so fat.....

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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