If Texas wins how can you put USC a head of them? Utah should be #2 no matter who wins what from here on out.
You can't. But you know as well as everyone thats not going to stop ESPN from spewing just that. Gotta prop Patricia Carroll and his underperforming teams up AGAIN in the hopes that one year they will just happen to be right. I took the time to count all the 4 and 5 start recruits USC has gotten over the last couple of years and posted that here couple months / weeks ago. With that alleged talent, USC should never lose to an unraked team yet they do it time and again just about every year. This year they lost to Oregone State and USC never lead in the game. CONCLUSION: Patricia is a good recruiter but poor developer of talent.
ESPN has way too much influence. Especially since they favor the traditional, and the big market teams
Maybe its me but I could have sworn I have seen more replays and talk of the UK vs E. Car game then I did for the Sugar bowl. Utah had an outstanding season in 2004 and like Auburn the AP and Espn turned thier noses up at them. The very year after USC cried about not playing for the title so the AP and Espn crowned them champs. I don't know why anyone will expect any different this year. The only thing Utah can hope for is with consistent victories then the football gods will have to start taking you seriously. Right now they will consider this season for Utah an aberration.
So Utah goes undefeated and is not the national champions... Didn't that same thing just happen to Tulane a few years back? (Just sarcasm; please don't crucify me.) I guess ESPN considered that an aberration too.
ESPN is going with the large market, thats where the money is & thats what they are interested in... No way is their opinion a unbaised one. They are in this sports thing to make money & voting for Utah will not make them any money... Its Hollywood, New York, PennState & the Big Ten. Money Money Money....
Are you forgetting about Texas? 1. UF/OK winner 2. Utah 3. Texas (if a good win) 4. USC 5. UF/OK loser