I think I would trust Mitchattorney's inside sources at UM versus Jim Carty's inside sources with Miles and the LSU administration.
Both stories on the same page - pretty funny. A day for drama. It's fitting that Herbie was the one scooping on GameDay this morning.
I guess the only really good thing is that this will all be over soon and we can either celebrate the SEC Championship or continue to curse the coaches. Sort of like waiting to have a serious operation. One way or another, it'll all be over soon. (I felt pretty much the same way before my bypass surgery.) ldskule:
So when do they announce Spurrier as head coach? Will they do it in the locker room in Georgia. This whole thing reeks and smells like they wanted to do everything in their power to get LSU to lose today. I hope we blow TN out the water today and send a big FU to ESPN and all the others breaking this story right before the biggest game of the season. :angryfire
More outlest reporting Miles is staying: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071201/UPDATE/712010413 Press conference soon: http://blog.nola.com/times-picayune/2007/12/miles_staying_at_lsu.html Looks like he is staying.
Yes if does say that you are correct. However, the story reported by the AP does not say that. Similar to a couple of days ago when ESPN reported that LSU had given Miles permission to talk with MI, when in fact it was the other way around. Things happen and mistakes are made. You may in fact be right, but the actual story reported does not say what ESPN claimed it did.
It looks to be a done deal. He is staying. LSU press conference at 1:50 EST. The michigan guy was just another flamer talking out of his a%^
The fact that LSU is holding a press conference soon tells me he is staying. Why would LSU hold a press conference 2 hours before the SECCG to announce Les is leaving. It would not make any sense.